Marisol’s mission in Italy
Marisol heard that in Umbria in Italy grows an olive tree 1,700 years old. It is the oldest
olive tree in region. Marisol needs couple of olives from this tree for her magical potion
and she wants to visit this plase.
Big problem is that magical carpet was destroyed and she has no idea how
she could get to Italy. Can you help her, please?
When I arrive at the primary school in Strettoia, the pupils of the third class take turns in hosting me at their home: we play, we take pictures together, I eat and sleep with them and I attend classes at school.
I arrived with a basket of paper but it broke during the trip. I have to go to Umbria to take some olives for the magic potion, but the place where the olive tree is, it’s a bit far from Strettoia and I don’t know how to get there. Think that you think back, my friends have had an idea: to make a paper airplane, so I can leave from the airport in Cinquale that is close to their school and finally reach the centenary olive tree.