On 25 March 2014 we visited a recycling hall with a dump site in Levice. All recyclables from the town and surrounding area are brought there. They also deals with the problems of illegal dumps. Up to 700 tonnes of waste per a year are collected on this illegal dumps.
At first we looked at the recycling hall, where the waste is processed for re-use. Paper, plastic and glass are brought there.
Plastic recycling and paper processing.
Plastic bottles are sorted by color. But plastics have their limitations. E.g. bottles of oil, plastic chairs or plastic pipes are not accepted here, because it is not possible to make „packets“ of them. 66 packets, which is7 tons, are exported monthly.
Also paper is sorted. Cardboard boxes go in to the press, where packets are made from them. Cca 20 packets per a day are produced in this way. Tetrapak packaging materials do not belong to the paper because of the aluminum foil placed from inside.
A dump site.
It is at the same area. Every citizen can bring 250 kg of waste per a year. Is it possible to import here: paper and cardboard, glass, metals, plastics, construction waste, used tires, dangerous waste (batteries, light bulbs, oil for cars etc.).
From the town, some branches, leaves and mown grass are exported there. Also worn out appliances, which can be harmful to the environment by inappropriate disposal, can be brought here.
Children who visited the waste disposal site also prepared the presentation for other classmates about their visit.
What happens with the waste in our school?
In our school we sort: paper, plastic, municipal waste
green waste
ink cartridges are sent back to company and they are refilled