


About schools


Thorning Skole


Thorning Skole is situated in a small village 20 km northwest of Silkeborg, which is the main city in our municipality. We are 75 employed at the school (teachers., paedagogues and administration)

The school is a folkeskole, which consists of most preschool, primary and secondary education, with pupils from the age of 6 to 16. We have 440 pupils. Furthermore we a department containing classes for pupils with special needs, these pupils have also the age from 6 to 16 years.


The school is founded in 1960. In 2010 we celebrated our 50th jubilee, a big celebration over several days, both current and former pupils attended. More than 2500 people took part in the celebration. Over the years we have had to adapt to the number of pupils and the requests for a modern school. In 1972 the school expanded physically and in 2000 we renovated some of the old buildings. This year we also expanded our activities to include an after school day care for our youngest students (6-9 year). In 2005 we had to expand physically again and add new classrooms for the classes with special needs.


During the last four years our school has worked with international projects; this has included  partnership with other schools in the EU and participating in courses for teachers in different countries in the EU.


A strong focus of ours is improving the reading skills of our pupils. One of our measures to obtain this goal is to use ICT compensation for a number of our pupils.


Another focus is science. We take part in several projects about teaching methods in science, and for some years we have made a lot of successful outdoor education.


Our institution as a whole has the key goal to educate our pupils in a way to help them become citizens in a complex and globalized world, where values like accept, respect and equality are key words.


January the 20th 2012. Lone Stig Andersen headteacher