


Recycling experiments


This is our garbage garden





Cleaning up Traiskirchen

On the 15th of May we cleaned up the aera of about one square kilometre around our school. We collected 19,8 kg of garbage!!



School fleemarket


We organized a fleemarket to sell the things we don't need anymore to someone who likes them instead of throwing them away.



Collecting old mobile phones (Ö3 Wundertüte)

This school year we started to collect old mobile phones. It's a competition for whole Austria initiated from the Austrian radio station Ö3. In December we are going to send the mobile phones to the radio station. Every old mobile phone is still 1,50€ werth. The money that is collected is going to be a donation for young people in difficult life situations.








Rotting pots

We used rotting pots for the plants in your school garden to avoid plastic waste.



Fight against waste

In Austria a lot of food is thrown away. The people buy food that they can’t eat. So the food gets bad and they throw it away. The pupils learnd what everybody can do to avoid this and create big posters about it, so that the whole school can read it. Fight against waste!



Exibition about waste

The pupils of the class 4a created a poster that shows what happens to our waste.


Dirty places in our school and what we can do against it

Some children in our school took photos of the dirty places in our school and in our school garden. They found an easy way to change it. We have dust pins everywhere. If they now see pupils throwing there waste on the earth, they will tell them about the dust pins. It the easiest way to keep the school clean.


